Assessment is a key component of the academic program review process used to evaluate and improve student learning and program effectiveness. This website is intended to assist departments with the process of creating effective assessment plans for academic programs.

University-wide, every major should have individualized program goals including best practices for developing measurable program goals, student learning outcomes, assessment methods, and data collection, along with example rubrics. Data is reported throughout the academic program review cycle at the end of each 2-Year Progress Reporting Process. 

This site provides an overview of the key steps and best practices for developing program goals, student learning outcomes, assessment methods, and data collection.

Assessment Best Practices Guide

A comprehensive guide for programs looking to develop or enhance assessment practices.

Assessment Best Practices Guide

Assessment Templates

Sample Student Learning Outcomes Template
Sample SLO Data Reporting Template
Sample Rubric

Questions? Need Help?

Contact Academic Program Review

Lou Moss, MA, PMP
Director of Academic Program Review

Corinne Landry
Program Review Coordinator